How to Achieve Your Savings Goals in 2022
2022 is going to be an amazing year. You have BIG goals, you have a deep passion, and the momentum is building. But how do you make sure you are on a path to achieve your savings goals in 2022?
After popping bottles of champagne, eating great food, and spending peaceful or energetic times with friends and family, the endorphins in the body make you feel good.
You feel great about everything including the future. You feel particularly enthusiastic about the hopes and dreams that you have for tomorrow. To get the successful year and life that you desire, you need more than wishful thinking. You will need a lot of planning and execution. One of the best areas of your life that will benefit from planning is your finances.
Striving for a successful financial life is essential for everyone, especially for you as a believer. Without being intentional about planning for your financial future, you can live many years on a great salary and have no concrete plans. Even though at the moment you don’t feel much stress about your ability to pay your bills and lifestyle expenses if you don’t have intentionality now your future self will NOT be happy.
It is crucial that you learn to become intentional with your money now. Having a plan is one of the main biblical financial principles that God shares with us through his Word. The Bible gives us a lot of hope for our financial struggles, but you can’t simply sit around waiting to “arrive” at your biggest goals. You must take inspired action.
Here’s how to get the life you are dreaming of in 2022. Some of the areas of your life that require structure in the goal of building a successful financial life are:
- Saving towards a goal
- Budgeting your daily life
- Managing your finances
- Everyone is fulfilled
- Living out your unique, God-given calling

Why Save Money?
Many are constantly searching for ways and strategies to help them achieve their goals. When money is not saved up, opportunities get missed. It would be lovely to have the kind of money needed to take advantage of all the opportunities that God puts in your way this year.
Why do we save money? Sure money can help us pay our bills, buy new things, and help us feel more secure and comfortable. But God has a bigger purpose for our money, just as he has a bigger purpose for you and your life.
The purpose of God’s generosity and provision is not because you are awesome and deserve it. But rather because HE is awesome, and he wants you to worship him through his provision!
Money is a tool gifted to us by God to allow us the ability to partner with him on his mission to redeem the world.
This is why it is critical for each believer to learn how to manage their money effectively. Are you currently managing your money in a way that aligns with God’s mission?
Saving is sometimes hard. When you consider the degree of discipline it takes to ignore that dress, shoe or new tech gadget that you would rather buy than save your money, it can seem impossible. However, start to reflect on the eternal consequences of each of your purchases. If you view your money through a biblical lens, God will make it clear to you where your money needs to be spent.
So ask yourself, “Is this the most effective use of my money right now? Or is there something else God wants me to do with it?
Setting Your Savings Goals
Sometimes you wonder if what you want is the life you desire or the life you deserve. Technically, according to the Bible, we deserve nothing due to our sinful nature. However!! Romans 5:8 makes it clear that even though we don’t deserve anything, God still loves us soooo much that he paid the ultimate price for us in order to be set free.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
(Romans 5:8 NIV)
God encourages us to dream big! Because if he is on our side, then nothing is impossible. So what are your biggest financial dreams?
I would encourage you to think outside of the box – not just about you and your own desires, but set your sights on God and invite him into your finances. How can you become a conduit of his love and generosity in 2022? What has God specifically called you to do and what kind of financial goal is associated with that?
Take the time to journal through some of your thoughts and then write down your goals after God has made them clear to you. Nothing is without your reach, with the Lord on your side. You can achieve anything if you set your mind to it, commit them to the Lord, AND take faithful steps of action.
“Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.”
(Habakkuk 2:2 NIV)
You can achieve your savings goals but it will take time, effort and strategy. It will require discipline. You will need to remember to take baby steps, and to lean in to God through the process by praying over your finances daily.
Consistent baby steps will help you on your journey towards the achievement of getting your dream financial life.
Looking for a good way to manage all of your commitments and goals? Check out this article on my FAVORITE commitment tracking system – Todoist.

Budgeting Your Daily Life
Budgeting makes you financially disciplined or financially responsible.
What is budgeting?
Budgeting is simply the process of creating a strategy or a plan to spend your money. Budgeting helps you allocate resources according to your goals and day to day needs. It is the art of balancing your expenses with your income.
How much do you need daily? What does your food cost you? How much do you spend on gas, and on your mobile devices and applications? What do you spend on entertainment, groceries etc? Which of these expenses are needs and which are simply desires?
Determining what it takes to run your life comfortably and affordably is personal budgeting. What can you afford to let go of at this moment in order to accelerate the journey to achieving your goals?
It is unwise to save a lot of money without any allowance for resources to cover your needs. Work at striking a balance so that you can save consistently and still comfortably meet your needs. The Bible advocates for budgeting and planning in your finances, do not skip this step!

Break the Bad Habits
If you want to achieve your savings goals, new habits need to be formed. Creating good habits will not only help you achieve your goals this year, but they will help you consistently accomplish your goals year after year!
The first bad habit to break is the way that you view your money. Remember money is a tool given by God to allow you the ability to partner with him to do good work here on earth.
The next one is to stop believing the lies that many Christians tend to believe about money. Like the lie that God cares more about your heart than what you do with your money. Yes, there is some truth to this, but I would challenge you to think more about this… If your heart has truly been transformed by the Gospel, you would probably be compelled to worship God through your use of money rather than not thinking about your money at all.
The third bad habit to break is to not seek help when needed. If you have been stuck in your current money situation for too long, and it has been a struggle to get out of it, it may be time to seek professional help.
Check out these other bad money habits to break in 2022.
Celebrate Your Milestones!
One small snag, this only works if you take action.
David was not led to Goliath by his ambition. His obedience was what led him to accomplish such a great achievement. He was simply running an errand for his father, a task that must have felt so menial and routine. Obedience will always do more for you than your ambition. The great things that God calls you to are birthed out of the small things he asks you to do.
The passion and excitement you feel at the beginning of the year will quickly fade. But just because the fire isn’t roaring inside of you doesn’t mean it is completely dead. Take faithful steps of inspired action this year.
This is how to achieve your savings goals in 2022!
The Next Step to Take
Want to keep that momentum going? One of the best ways to help keep the fire of passion alive inside of you is to join a group of like-minded individuals who are working on similar goals.
I want to invite you to join our free community, Redeeming Your Finances. This space is designed for ambitious young professionals, such as yourself, to gain the encouragement and knowledge needed in order to achieve freedom in their finances to pursue their calling without any hesitation!
When you join, you will get instant access to our free mini course, 6 Steps to Redeeming Your Finances. Can’t wait to see you there!
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