Celebration and Gratitude

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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

Celebration and Gratitude

Series: A Season of Generosity
Devotional: 5 of 5

In another devotional I received monthly, I read this quote, 

“Gratitude and celebration are important spiritual practices that help us to counteract the mindsets that impact many of us through work: worry, complaining,dissatisfaction, cynicism, and more”

The end of the year is always an appropriate time to take a step back and reflect on how the past year went. Think of it as if you were in the backseat of a car watching the road you just traveled. 

Personally, at times, I get really hung up on all the things I said I was going to do but didn’t happen for one reason or another. The reminder that I received from this other devotional came at just the right moment when I was filled with dissatisfaction and even cynicism. 

In that moment, God gently reminded me that there is still SO MUCH to celebrate and be grateful for.

This year has been yet another very strange one for many of us, yet that doesn’t change the fact that there are blessings big and small all around us every single day. So, while in this past devotional series we focused on generosity, I would ask you to pause and simply celebrate your own accomplishments, success, and transformations. 

Maybe you had a breakthrough moment with your finances, where you realized that buying something in that moment wouldn’t ultimately make you happier, so you skipped it. 

Maybe it was that you went a few months without using your credit card that you tend to use as a crutch to get you through tougher financial struggles.

Maybe you tried budgeting again after not budgeting for a while, and something is finally clicking!

Maybe you got a new job, got married, had a kid, bought a house, moved cross country, and started fresh. 

Maybe you did none of these things and HEY that is still okay. This does not mean you have failed. Why? Because our God is NOT done with you yet. Your story is still being written and he has so many things worth celebrating just around the corner for you. 

I hope you had a very beautiful Christmas and that you will have a wonderful time ringing in the new year. 

May God bless you and keep you 
Katie Jones

P.S. I know that it can be hard to reflect back on a year where it feels like things either stayed the same or maybe felt like they got a lot worse.. I would encourage you to read Psalm 37 if this is you. But also, if this past year was full of financial struggles, I would personally love to jump on a call with you in the new year to discuss how you can make 2022 a brighter year for your personal finances. You don’t have to do it alone! 

Schedule a call to chat!

Reflection Questions

  • Write down 3 things worth celebrating in each of these categories: family, work, health, finance, relationships. 
  • How can you replace your dissatisfaction, cynicism, worry, and complaining with gratitude and celebration this coming year? 

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