You and Your Money Have a Greater Purpose

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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

You and Your Money Are Created By God, For God

Series: 4 Gospel Foundations to Experiencing Financial Freedom
Devotional: 4 of 4

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22: 37-40

Our money has a far greater purpose than simply lining our own pockets. God desires to bless us abundantly with financial resources not so that we may live independently from his goodness. Rather, wants to shower us with the necessary tools so that we may join him on his grand mission to redeem the world! And that requires money! 

As a being created by God, for God, you have a calling on your life. In fact, you have two! You have a mission and purpose to love God and to love your neighbors, this is calling one. Calling two is more specific and unique; taking in account all of your giftings, skills, abilities, passions, and experiences. Your unique calling is how you live out your bigger purpose to love God and love others. 

When you begin to understand what God has uniquely equipped you to do, your eyes will open to the greater plan for your money. While God certainly does not NEED your money to accomplish his objective here on Earth, it is a privilege that he invites us to join him on his redemptive journey to redeem the world. 

The ultimate core of experiencing financial peace is understanding that our money doesn’t belong to us. Rather, it is just another tool in our lives, given to us by God to be used for his purpose and pleasure. 

Freedom is not experienced through having more money, more choices, or more time. Though the world will try to convince you that once you have these things you will be free. The truest form of freedom comes through understanding these four foundations for our finances; that God is the one who created us and blessed us with our money, that what we have been chasing up until now is a false sense of freedom, and that through God’s transforming grace we can experience freedom when let go of viewing and using our money primarily as a means for our own fulfilment and seeing it as a tool to further the Kingdom of God. 

Katie Jones

Reflection Questions

  • How does this new understanding of the true purpose for your money inspire you to make changes to the previous way you were using it? 
  • What has God uniquely called you to? And how can you begin to align your money with this calling? 

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