What It Means to Surrender Your Finances to God

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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

What It Means to Surrender Your Finances to God

Series: What is Biblical Financial Freedom
Devotional: 4 of 4

And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Luke 9:23

“Obedience without surrender is to robotically follow the commands in the Bible with no heart. 

Surrender without obedience is to have faith but no works.” 

I wrote down this quote some time ago without writing down who said it. Nonetheless, it has become a quote that I often refer back to because it really does get at the heart of what James is trying to tell us about how faith inspires good works (James 2:14-26). 

Reread the opening verse for this devotional from Luke 9. Jesus says that if we want to be his followers, we must do 3 things.

  1. Deny yourself
  2. Take up your fcross
  3. Follow Him

These three callings can be summed up by two words, surrender and obedience. Jesus is asking us to deny our worldly desires, surrender our plans to him, and join him in his mission to redeem the world. 

We have been given a ministry of reconciliation, and are ambassadors of Christ! (2 Corinthians 5:18-20). Therefore as ambassadors for Christ, it is important that we examine all areas of our lives to ensure that we are denying ourselves, and following Christ. 

Are you doing this with your finances? Does the way you spend your money show that you have surrendered your personal finances to the Lord? Do your personal spending habits testify that you are actively taking up your cross and joining the ministry of reconciliation? 

Financial freedom, and personal flourishment is not something you will achieve if you continue to put your own passions and desires above God’s. He does desire a fulfilling and abundant life for you, but that doesn’t always mean getting the things you desire most. 

Choosing God over your own desires is always difficult, but the testimony God is trying to create through you is more valuable than the earthly things you think will make you happy. Consider Paul who was imprisoned for obeying Christ’s call to pick up his cross. Do you think that it was on Paul’s bucket list to go to prison? Probably not! But prison gave him time to write some of his most impactful letters that we still read today. 

If you took time to write some money goals after last week’s devotional, go back and reread them. Ask yourself if you are following Christ’s command to deny yourself, take up your cross, and to follow him. Better yet, ask God to reveal to you whether or not your goals are agreeable to him. 

Your Friend and Coach, 
Katie J

Reflection Questions

  • In what way do your personal and money goals need to be adjusted to ensure you are following Chist’s call to surrender and obey?
  • How might the way you use your money change if you ask God to show you how to practically surrender and obey him?

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