What Happened When I Started Tithing for the First Time

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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

What Happened When I Started Tithing for the First Time

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,
James 1:2

I used to think tithing was only for those who had money. I eventually learned more about Jesus’ call to generosity and I was excited to get to participate in Kingdom-building activities through my tithe. Not only that, but I was excited to see what might happen in my life because it was clear that the Bible promised blessings and abundance when we faithfully tithed! (See Malachi 3:10)

I finally started properly tithing and guess what happened!

Nothing. No magical money showed up in my bank account. I didn’t all of a sudden get a raise. Things in my life didn’t all of a sudden become easier. In fact, I would say almost the opposite of what you’d like to hear happened…

I quit my job, took a 50% pay cut, no longer had a company car, eventually started working for myself full time, and was making literally pennies from my blog.

Honestly, I felt a little duped. Where were all the blessings that had been promised? Shouldn’t I be living in a nicer house by now? And shouldn’t my money situation be a lot less “tight”? Aren’t we promised more blessings than I can even handle according to Malachi??

God never specifies exactly what our blessings are going to be. In fact, he never promises that they will even be experienced here on earth. 

Of no fault of our own, we cannot understand the scope of God’s blessings. In fact, our view of blessings tends to be extremely limited. Because we live in a physical world full of tangible hardships, we put God into the box of our limited understanding. We define blessings only as the things that make life easier or more comfortable. Typically when we read the word abundance in the Bible we quickly think financial abundance

Looking back over the last several years since I first started tithing, most people would not immediately see “blessings” and “abundance.” But that is because they are looking through the lens that the world gives us to view things through. 

When we look at our situations through a biblical lens, it is impossible to count the number of blessings we have received. 

In fact, had I not started tithing, I think I would still be stuck in the same miserable spot that I was in years ago. I would have never started my blog, I would have never had the chance to coach the students I have thus far, and I would have never learned the truth about God’s abundance and blessings. 

What really happened when I started tithing for the first time was not that I came across a ton of financial wealth, but rather the wealth that I did gain was love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. By giving a tenth of my income away, I opened up my heart to receive things that were MUCH greater than money in my bank account. 

My trust in God grew and I felt like I was boosted with a dose of bravery in order to take steps of faith that I may not have before! Money no longer had the same grip on my heart that it had in the past and now my eyes have been opened to true and lasting abundance beyond financial blessings. 

I am putting together a financial prayer challenge and would like you to be a part of it. We will be spending 14 days praying through various areas of our personal finances as well as the financial situation for the Church Body. 

Are you up for the challenge?? 
I’m Up To The Challenge!

Your Friend, 

Reflection Questions

  • Have you been holding on too tightly to your money? What might your financial testimony look like if you let go of the need to feel secure through your personal finances? 
  • I would challenge you to take a step outside of your traditional giving comfort zone and look for one new way to be generous this week

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