What Does The Bible Say About Money?
Money Topics in the Bible
There are over 2,300 Bible verses about money. In this article, you can explore different money topics from a biblical perspective. Get answers to some of the major questions that believers have about money. Find out exactly what the Bible says about money so you can learn to become an excellent money manager of the resources God has given you! Here are the topic money topics in the Bible.
- What Does the Bible Say About BUDGETING?
- What Does the Bible Say About DEBT?
- What Does the Bible Say About SAVING MONEY?
- What Does the Bible Say About INVESTING?
- What Does The Bible Say About CREDIT CARDS?
- What Does the Bible Say About CONSUMERISM?
- What Does the Bible Say About GOD PROVIDING?
- What Does the Bible Say About GIVING?
- What Does the Bible Say About GREED?
- What Does the Bible Say About FINANCIAL STRUGGLES?
- What Does the Bible Say About PRAYING FOR YOUR FINANCES?
- What Does the Bible Say About WEALTH?
- What Does the Bible Say About TITHING?
- What Does the Bible Say About HOW TO SPEND MONEY?
- What Does the Bible Say About REAL ESTATE INVESTING?
- What Does the Bible Say About STEWARDSHIP?
What Does the Bible Say About BUDGETING?
There are many Bible verses that mention budgeting in some way. You will see that the Bible ultimately does promote making and having a plan for your money – aka a budget!
Having a spending plan can help us to free our money for the things that matter most to us. There are many Biblical principles of money taught throughout the scriptures. When we follow these Biblical money principles, they will lead us out of debt and give us the freedom God desires for us and our loved ones.
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Want to know more? Read some of the key Bible verses about budgeting, and set up your own budget that aligns with your values.

What Does the Bible Say About DEBT?
Many people know the Bible verse that the borrower is slave to the lender. Because of this one verse, Christians are scared of debt. While it is very wise to avoid debt at all costs it is not a sin to have debt.
A few key lessons that the Bible teaches about debt is one, we need to make well informed decisions before we take on a new loan; two, we should try to avoid it at all costs because it is a form of slavery; three, if you have debt you should not neglect it; and four, you should make a plan to pay it off as soon as possible
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Want to know more? Read some of the important Bible verses about debt, and learn how to create a debt payoff plan.
What Does the Bible Say About SAVING MONEY?
It’s not uncommon to find Christians who believe that saving money means that you lack faith. When you read verses like those in Luke 12 about the rich fool who stored away all his crops for himself, you can understand why some believers may feel as though Jesus was teaching not to put away money into savings.
The 4 most important lessons about saving money are:
- Don’t trust your savings more than God
- You should still have a plan
- Save more than you spend
- Don’t save it all for yourself
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Dive deeper to know more about what the Bible says about saving money.
What Does the Bible Say About INVESTING?
Investing is a way to increase the resources God has blessed you with. Doing this can help provide for current needs, future purchases, and be able to increase generosity. It is different from gambling because when you gable you are bound to lose. While there is no guarantee of returns when you invest, there is a greater likelihood than when one gambles.
Investing is similar to saving money. The added benefit of investing our money rather than simply putting it into a savings account is that our investments have the potential to grow much quicker.
The top three reasons Christians should be investing their money are:
- To participate in Kingdom-building activities
- To provide for the needs of you and your loved ones
- To prepare for the future
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Further your understanding. Read more about what the Bible says about investing and check out these lessons on how Christians should invest their money.
What Does The Bible Say About CREDIT CARDS?
The truth is, the Bible doesn’t say anything specifically about credit cards for obvious reasons – they weren’t around in Biblical times! So there is no plain answer to whether or not Christians should use credit cards.
But this is okay because the Bible was not meant to be an instruction manual. We each individually need to answer this question in a way that we believe will be the most honoring to the Lord in our own personal situations.
We do know that God warns us against debt many times throughout the Bible. Therefore, if you do use credit cards, do your best to not keep a balance.
I would personally recommend that you think of your credit card as a debit card. Do not buy anything that you cannot pay back right away. Otherwise, you will not only incur large amounts of interest (often times 19% but it can be as high as 35%!!), but you will also be obligated to pay back your bank until the full debt has been repaid.
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Learn more about credit cards from a biblical perspective.
What Does the Bible Say About CONSUMERISM?
Consumerism has become a very negative phrase in our society these days, so what does the Bible say about it? Depending on what definition you apply to consumerism will really make a big impact on what you believe about consumerism. One of the definitions says that it is to focus on the needs of customers, but the other definition explains that it is when companies exploit these “needs” consumers will purchase practically anything.
Consumerism is a tricky subject, and as believers we need to be attentive to what the Bible says about money and how to handle it.
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Want to know more? Learn more about the topic of consumerism in the Bible.
What Does the Bible Say About GOD PROVIDING?
God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. It is to his delight that he provides for our needs. In fact, the Gospel is a story of God’s incredible provision for us. There are three important lessons about God’s provision from the Bible, one, God’s provision comes after having faith; two, God does provide exactly what we need even when we don’t know exactly what we need ourselves; and three, God’s provision is not for our own personal fulfillment.
Just as God is the giver, he also reserves the right to take away when it is for our benefit and His glory. Trusting in God’s goodness in these times can be very difficult, but will ultimately result in a deeper bond with Him.
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Still curious? Keep reading more about God’s provision in the Bible.
What Does the Bible Say About GIVING?
Do you ever find it difficult to give away your “hard-earned” money, your precious time, or your unconditional love? You’re not alone. It’s not always easy to be a generous person, but there are loads of Bible verses about giving explaining how important it is. In fact, not only is generosity one of the principles of biblical money management, but I think we could make a very strong case stating that generosity is one of the foundational principles of Christian living.
One of the main lessons that we learn about giving from the Bible is that it is a way that we can show our trust in God. When we give away a portion of our income, we are trusting that God will continue to take care of us even when it doesn’t look like that will logically happen.
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Learn 5 more important lessons about giving from the Bible as well as how tithing is the key to financial freedom.
What Does the Bible Say About GREED?
Greed isn’t set aside only for those who are very wealthy. In fact, there are many examples of very goldy people who were wealthy throughout the Bible. When we focus on the definition of greed as ‘a desire for more things’ you can easily see how all of us struggle with at least some form of greed. When your mind is so focused on obtaining what you rightfully have to claim to it is very hard to find satisfaction or contentment in anything less than what it is you desire.
The main 4 consequences of greed that we learn from the Bible are
- Discontentment
- Destroyed Relationships
- Sin
- Regret
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Find out more about what the Bible says about greed.
What Does the Bible Say About FINANCIAL STRUGGLES?
Every believer experiences times of financial troubles, so know that you are not alone! The Bible has a lot to say about those moments of financial difficulties. And no, God doesn’t want you to simply be poor. In fact, The Bible says quite the opposite!
As believers, we have a spiritual target on our backs and it is to be expected that the enemy will attempt to attack us. Now is the time to rise up from under his attacks and get into a place where we are managing our money well for the glory of God. The Bible has 4 main lessons about times of financial struggle. One, they will not go away instantly. Two, we are called to learn contentment in all circumstances, especially those that are extremely tough. Three, don’t underestimate the power of financial planning in these moments. And four, God still hears you!
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Want to understand better? Check out these encouraging Bible verses for times of financial struggle.
What Does the Bible Say About PRAYING FOR YOUR FINANCES?
Money can be uncomfortable to talk about with other believers and may be difficult to talk about with God as well. Sometimes, we can feel afraid to ask God to bless our finances because it feels like we are giving in and letting our love of money take the wheel.
God wants us to be open with him and come to him with all of our needs, desires, and dreams. We should never feel afraid to ask God for anything, even if we feel it may be pushing the envelope a little.
He is the one who gives and takes away and it is all according to what is most beneficial for us and ultimately for His glory. A heart evaluation takes place as you speak to God about your financial needs and He will make the decision as to what the best respons is to your request.
When God doesn’t give you what you pray for, know that it is because he has something far greater even if that thing isn’t what we think we deserve.
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Want to know more? Learn how to pray for your finances.
What Does the Bible Say About WEALTH?
Building wealth as a believer is so tricky… Because nothing is inherently wrong with building wealth. But when we focus so much on accumulating money, assets, investments, and stuff, we get used to a certain lifestyle that comes along with all of that. If Jesus were to come knocking on your door and say “Hey, follow me!” could you leave it all behind? Or would your response be to give some money, and go back to your comfortable life?
There are plenty of important lessons we can pull out from the Bible about how to manage wealth. First off, we learn that wealth is not a sin, but it is also not a good measure of our standing with God. We also know that the purpose of wealth is not for our own comforts, but to build up the Kingdom of God.
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Further your understanding. Learn the 7 lessons that the Bible teaches about wealth.
What Does the Bible Say About TITHING?
While most pastors are very genuine and intentional about helping their congregation understand the biblical calling to generosity, there are still many ministries out there who abuse and manipulate this lesson in order to swindle more money out of you. I find that this kind of manipulation is common within churches who preach the prosperity gospel.
There is still a lot of good that can come from regular tithing and in fact, we really do have a biblical calling to generosity. It’s one of the primary characteristics of a good financial steward!
While tithing is not a deal-breaker or an act needed in order to gain salvation, Jesus still encourages and calls us to be generous people. We will never be saved by our good works (ie tithing), but good works should flow from us when we are truly saved and have the Holy Spirit within us.
Three of the main reasons we should still tithe today is to:
- To support those who proclaim the gospel
- To show God and yourself that you can let go of your money
- To free your hands up to receive something greater from God
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Learn more about tithing from these surprising statistics. Keep reading why modern-day Christians should still tithe today.
What Does the Bible Say About HOW TO SPEND MONEY?
The way we spend our money says a lot about what we believe. It is a true reflection of the place God has in our hearts. It’s time to be a bit more prayerful and invite the Lord into your spending decisions.
This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to give everything to your church, the homeless, or other non profit. It simply means asking God to direct you in your spending decisions and being more mindful of where your money is going. There are 4 main ways that I believe you can start to discern how God wants you to be spending your money.
- Become more intimate with God – Get to know God on a more intimate level. When you do this, your eyes will be opened to His likes and dislikes.
- Understand your unique calling – God is going to call you to spend your money in a different way than he calls me to spend my money because he has uniquely equipped and called you and I to do different things in life
- Compare your spending to the greatest commandment – The key is to begin to shift your focus from “how can I serve myself with this money?” to “how can I be a blessing to others?”
- Use common sense! – God has blessed you and I with a brain to think logically and make common sense decisions with.
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Get a better understanding. Keep reading how to discern where to spend your money.
What Does the Bible Say About REAL ESTATE INVESTING?
It is fascinating to find instances throughout the Bible where God speaks about real estate, land ownership, and homes. While other money topics are typically more spoken about more in the Bible like budgeting and debt, it is cool to see that real estate investing did happen back in biblical times.
What is most clear from these Bible verses, is that how we invest is actually very important to God, he wants us to have a biblical view of our money management and investing. Real estate investing is a great way to build wealth, as well as a great way to get to share the love of Christ. Everyone needs a place to live, work, and shop. Why not provide the best places available and offer them at reasonable prices so that we can share the Gospel through our actions.
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Want to know more? Read these interesting Bible verses about real estate investing, and then learn more about how you can use real estate as a ministry. If you choose to be a landlord, get equipped with practical ways to love your tenant.
What Does the Bible Say About STEWARDSHIP?
Biblical financial stewardship is about recognizing that what we have is not our own, but it has been entrusted to us to manage with excellence. This includes not only our wealth (no matter how much we have), but also includes our time, talents, and energy that can be used to produce wealth.
How we use these things will be a testimony of the one to whom we believe it belongs. Biblical financial stewardship admits that our money and the ability to make money all belong to God and should be used for his glory and the good of others.
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Find out what biblical financial stewardship looks like and how you can be a good steward.
Ready to transform your financial journey through faith-based guidance? Book an empowering call with Katie Jones, a Certified Christian Financial Counselor, today and pave the way for abundance and blessings in your life!
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