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9 Unique Ways to Use Real Estate as a Ministry
As Christian real estate investors we have a very unique opportunity to use our real estate as a way to love others. In fact, as I got into real estate investing, I started to build a deep desire to one day be able to use my investments to tremendously bless those around me.
Of course, as Christians, we are called to be missionaries no matter where we are at because all work is eternally significant. However, this list is meant for those who are looking for a way to specifically use their real estate as a ministry to share the Gospel.
I have been compiling a list of ways that I have heard of other investors using their real estate as a ministry.
Related: Bible Verses about Real Estate Investing

Here’s the big list of money topics in the Bible, and here is a list of over 100 Bible verses about money.
Real Estate as a Ministry vs Being a Faith-Forward Investor
Using your real estate as a ministry is different than being a faith-forward investor. We should all be faith-forward in whatever area of work we are in, though that doesn’t always mean we will be explicitly running a ministry.
A ministry is typically defined as an activity done by Christians to serve the purposes of the church. As real estate investors, we are always trying our best to love those we serve and work near in order to express the Gospel to others. While in a ministry, the goal is to share the Gospel with the people you are ministering to.
Related: The Proverbs 31 Woman Was a Real Estate Investor
How Do You Turn Your Real Estate Into a Ministry?
This may be easier than you initially think. Many of these ministry options mean working with other companies. This way, you can hand over your real estate to be used in an already up and running ministry.
Otherwise, if you have a specific ministry that you are passionate about, you can learn more about how to operate one and get it started that way.
It may take a little more time and research to turn your real estate into a ministry, but it will be well worth it.
Do You Still Make Money When Using Your Real Estate as a Ministry?
This answer is up to you. If you feel led to provide something at no charge then I would never stop you from blessing someone that way!
However, using your real estate as a ministry does not mean you need to stop making money from your investments. In fact, in some cases, this could be a great business opportunity for you.
For example, a lot of the ideas listed below suggest offering some kind of a discount on the rental space. By offering this discount and by being a super loving landlord, the tenant will most likely want to stick around as long as possible. Which in the long term is extremely beneficial to your return on investment because there won’t be a lot of turnover expenses.
Related: 9 Bible Verses About Excellence That Proves that Christians Should be the Best in Every Industry
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Using Your Real Estate as a Ministry
What are the specific needs of your local real estate market?
Is there a people group you have a passion for serving?
Are you willing to let a company handle your real estate in order to use it for a ministry?
What kind of returns are you looking for in this investment? Are you willing to give up returns in order to make housing more accessible to someone else?
Unique Ways to Use Real Estate as a Ministry
Residential Properties
Here are 6 ways you can use your residential rental properties as a ministry. Most of them offer a way for minorities to rent properties at a discount. Or maybe it is just allowing people the opportunity to good, clean, and safe housing which they may not find anywhere else.
The sad reality is, that for these groups of people housing can be hard to come by. It can be a great opportunity for Christians to jump in and offer a solution.
- Renting to Former Prison Inmates
This may seem a bit scary to some of you, however, it can be a really fulfilling ministry. I interviewed a woman who owns multiple apartment buildings that she uses to run a ministry just like this. Check out that interview here.
You can either develop a business plan to run this ministry on your own or you can allow another faith-based company to use your rental property for their own business.
- Renting to Single Moms
Most single moms are looking for a safe but affordable place to raise their children, but it becomes difficult to find something like that with a single income.
I have met people who specifically buy and fix up properties to be rented to single moms at a discount. This works well if you are able to find properties in good areas at a major discount and then fix them up to be rented.
Try connecting with the moms and inviting them to church or telling them about the MOPS program that is held there.
- Renting to Traveling Nurses
There are a lot of traveling nurses, believe it or not, and they tend to have a difficult time finding a place to live while they are in town. It poses a big challenge because they are typically looking for something near the hospital, that is fully furnished, and will allow for short term leases.
There are companies that help traveling nurses find a place to live. So if you are interested in renting out your property to them, you can connect with those companies in order to get your property rented quickly.
Connecting with and making these nurses feel welcome while they are in town is a great way to share the love of Christ.
- Renting to Sober Living Communities
This might also seem like a bit of a risk, however, we have found it to be a great option for one of our rental properties. We own a duplex that is currently rented by a faith-based company that helps former addicts get back on their feet.
What we love about this company is that they have eyes on the property multiple times a week. They take care of all the utilities as well as lawn care. They actually have a landscaping company do everything because they don’t want the tenants to be burdened with it. And we tend to never have any issues with rent (though one time we did when the company was changing employees).
- Renting to Low-Income Families
Providing good, clean, and safe housing for those with low income is another great way to share the Gospel. There are different types of government programs that help with rent for low-income families, and they are always looking for landlords who will accept these vouchers.
Accepting these vouchers can be a great opportunity for your rental property. The government is typically paying most of, if not all, of the rent. The tenants typically try very hard not to get kicked out of the property that accepts the voucher so they tend to treat the property well.
Investing in opportunity zones is another way to help those with low incomes.
- Rent to Own Opportunities
Offering rent to own opportunities for families who cannot afford to buy a house is another great way to share the love of Christ. Many families have gone through financial stress and are starting to build back up their credit.
Providing a way for these families to one day own a home would be such a blessing to them.
Related: Why You Need Cash Reserves When Investing in Rental Properties
Commercial Properties
- Renting Space to a Church
Do you have a commercial property that could be used by a church? There are many churches looking for commercial properties in good, accessible locations.
Or if you know a church that is looking for a new location, you could be the real estate investor to help them with their real estate search. I have met real estate investors who have done both of these things and not only did they benefit from the transaction, but so did the church!
- Renting Space to a Nonprofit or Business
Similar to a church, but renting a commercial space that you have to a faith-based nonprofit or business.
- Buying Land to Develop for a Church
This is an interesting concept that sort of just came to me. There are plenty of people who find great land and either develop it or sell it to be developed. It could be a unique way to use real estate as a ministry.
It could be sold to a megachurch if it is a big piece of land or a smaller church that prefers to own their own space rather than rent it.
- Start Your Own Faith-Based Business or Nonprofit
You could also use a commercial space for your own faith-based business or nonprofit. This idea requires more work, but maybe there is a business idea that you have been thinking of for a while. Business as missions is a great way to
Real Estate Services
- Go-to Real Estate Agent at Church
I have seen churches offer a sort of “real estate ministry” in order to provide real estate services to their members. It could be as simple as offering real estate related advice to the community or offering discounts to those who use your services.
Connect Out of State Buyers to Great Agents in Their Area
Want to help people across the country find a great agent to work with? Offer a free consultation to your friends and family members no matter where they’re at to help them get their home buying process started while also referring them to an awesome agent. The bonus is being able to take advantage of referral fees this way!
Final Thoughts
Using your real estate as a ministry is not for everyone. But I hope that this article at least gave you something to think about. In all career fields, we can be thinking about how to creatively use our talents in order to honor God. If you are wanting to start a housing ministry, here are 5 questions you need to ask yourself before jumping in.
Share Your Real Estate as Ministry Ideas Below!
If you are currently using your real estate as a ministry please share what you are doing in the comments below! If you have other unique ideas on how to use real estate as a ministry please share those as well.

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Great ideas Katie! And a wonderful reminder to put Christ first in everything we do! 🙂
I’m so happy you found these ideas helpful. And absolutely, we are transformed by what Jesus did for us on the cross and that should impact every area of our life. Including how we invest! Thanks for checking out the article.
Hi Katie,
Thank you for your inspiring article. We started a ministry to train and equip believers to reach one of the largest, most unreached harvest fields for salvation in Christ. We need a commercial office space, but we just started this ministry with limited resources as we get rolling. Do you have any ideas where and how we could connect with Christian real estate investors who would want to help us with an office space in the beginning as we build momentum? Please check our Website and my LinkedIn page for more information about us. Thank you.
David McElhone
Director of Singles On Mission
Hey David, that sounds like an awesome ministry! I’d start asking around in your own spheres of influence to see if there is anyone you might already know who would be interested in it. Like within your church, small groups, and other faith-based groups you may be a part of. Hope this helps. Praying for you as you move forward with your ministry!