8 Simple Things That Will Save Money and the Planet

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8 Simple Things That Will Save Money and the Planet

Our earth is under attack by us humans! So many of us want to do our part in helping save the planet from ourselves, but sometimes making the switch from destructive to helpful can be a little bit expensive. 

I wanted to give you some ideas on how you can switch to a more eco-friendly alternative and also save money at the same time! These tips are also very simple. They are things that you can start doing within the next day! 

A lot of times if we stop paying for things, we are helping ourselves and the planet. It is a matter of creating good habits that have lasting impacts on our budgets and the world.

Are you looking for simple switches you can make in order to save money and the planet? Look no further because we have come up with a list of 8 simple things you can do today to save money and the planet! No dramatic live changes or expensive purchases, just simple things you can start doing today! #savemoney #savethe planet #ecofriendly #nowaste #moneysavingtips

8 Simple Things That Will Save Money and The Planet

1. Stop Using K-Cups

Are you a coffee or tea drinker? Maybe you have grown accustomed to the ease of your Keurig in making your daily hot cup from a K-Cup.

Well, you don’t have to get rid of your Keurig, but rather shift the way that you use it. Instead of buying K-Cups and throwing each of those out every day, I recommend switching to a reusable pod that is compatible with your Keurig!

This way you can pick out the coffee of your choice and fill up the reusable pod with that coffee. Whether it is a fancy coffee like Starbucks or an inexpensive one like Folgers, it is cheaper to buy a large bag of beans or grounds than it is to buy it in K-Cup form. 

2. Buy Reusable Napkins

We were gifted some casual reusable napkins as a wedding gift and I still remember one of my friends telling me that I would use them 2 times in my life. However, they are probably one of the most used gifts off of our registry! 

Our reusable napkins get used practically every day in our household. They are a great alternative to the disposable napkins most of us have grown used to over the years. 

We are producing less waste because of these napkins and saving money by not needing to restock our disposable stash as often! 

3. Fewer or No Paper Towels

Similar to the reusable napkins, we have shifted towards using our rags and towels more often to clean up our kitchen. 

Both my husband and I grew up grabbing the paper towels for every household spill, but when we realized how often we were going out to buy more we decided to try to eliminate our consumption of them. 

Instead of reaching for the roll of paper towels, we reach for a rag! And the earth and our wallets thank us for that. 

If you don’t have a lot of rags or towels in your house, check your closet and drawers for any clothing that you can recycle into rags instead of buying something brand new. Those brand new towels will end up getting filthy anyway. Another way to save money and the planet! 

4. Bring Your Own Mug

Did you know that most coffee shops offer a discount for those who bring in their own reusable mugs? You heard me right.

Most places will offer a small discount or a few cents off of your drink when you bring in reusable drinkware! I think it is a great way for those places to say thank you for helping us save our resources and our planet! 

So grab your favorite to-go mug and bring it with you on your next coffee date. Not only does this help save money and the planet, but it will also help save your hot drink from getting cold too quickly! 

It really is a win-win-win scenario. 

5. Switch Your Cleaning Products

We recently switched our cleaning products to this really awesome eco-friendly brand. They use all-natural products that will not harm you, your children, or your pets. 

You save money when you choose to buy their cleaning product refills! Their super cute bottles and containers are meant to be the last ones you ever purchase for your home. 

Check out my full review of the cleaning product here!

6. Turn Off Your Lights

We have all heard this one before, but it is so true and some of us need the reminder. 

Turning off your lights not only helps reduce energy usage, but it also helps you reduce your energy bill! It is a simple thing that will save money and the planet! 

We have been more conscious about our own energy usage in our home. Here is a screenshot of what our money savings looked like once we decided to reduce the energy we used.

This is hundreds of dollars saved and tons of energy saved as well! The planet is happy and so is our bank account.

Our electric bill history after we decided to try to cut back on our usage!

7. Buy Second Hand

Buying your household goods second hand is a great way to save money and the planet. Instead of going to the store to buy a new outfit, why not try a resale shop first? 

When you’re looking for a new electronic or appliance, why not look to find out if a neighbor is selling the thing you are looking for. 

Jump on NextDoor or Craigslist, or check out the garage sale down the street. This will save you money and also cut back on the packing and shipping process of that item. 

8. Borrow and Share Items

Borrowing and sharing items with friends, family, and neighbors is a great way to save money and a super simple way to recycle. 

Instead of buying a brand new book, get a library card, and borrow the book for a while or ask the friend who just recommended it to you. Find ways to educate yourself for little to no money!

If you’re needing power tools for a home project, check with your neighbor instead of going and buying it brand new. 

Buying Reusable Items Is An Investment

Some reusable items may seem a bit expensive when you first look at them. But when you start doing the analysis of continuously buying disposable items versus buying a reusable item once, your mind will be changed! 

That is why I like to think of buying reusable items as an investment. Over time, that reusable item will get enough usage that it will have made up for the original purchase of the item.

“Discounted” Reusable Items

Instead of always going out and buying a new reusable item, why not look within your own home first and possibly shopping second hand if you can’t find that item at home. 

Take for example household rags. Instead of going out and buying a whole new set of rags, why not find old T-shirts that you can cut up to use for cleaning. 

There are so many simple things that will save money and the planet, you just need to keep an eye out for those things and be willing to make the switch! 

Looking for more ways to save money and the planet? Check out some of these other lists to get some awesome ideas!

40 Ways to Save Money By Going Green
15 Zero Waste Products on Amazon
What to Buy in Bulk to Save Money

What kind of things do you do to save money and the planet? 

Redeeming Your Finances Free Community

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