The Rightful Business Owner – 5 Tips for Running a Faith-Based Business
Are you currently operating a faith-based business or thinking about starting one? How do you make decisions in your business? Let’s take a minute to think about these things and find out who is “running” our business.

God Created
Have you ever wondered why God created the earth and humankind? It’s not like he needed us around – it may be that God created us just for the pure joy of creating!
Can you picture the thrill that God had when he was creating in Genesis? Painting the sunsets above the earth, hanging the stars in the sky and creating each exquisite animal. He even had that joy when he created you!

God created you for his purpose. We are to honor and glorify Him daily in everything that we do. No matter how you fill your days each one is important to God.
He created everything and that means that everything belongs to Him. There are plenty of verses throughout the Bible that tell us this.
The Lord of Our Business
If everything in this world is God’s that means that your business belongs to Him. Don’t you think that how you run your business matters to Him? God is our rightful business owner – sort of like he is your CEO!
Remember that saying we all hear at church, “God is our Lord and Savior”? As Christians, we repeat this phrase a lot, and we tend to focus on the Savior part more often.
It’s so nice to focus on the fact that God came to save us from our sins! But, I think most of us, myself included, tend to brush the ‘Lord’ part under the rug because it’s hard to give up control of our lives. We can’t forget that God is the Lord over everything.
So ask yourself this; are you allowing God to be the Lord in your business?

Running a Faith Based Business
As Christians, we are called to a higher standard, and that is the standard that we need to compare our own business to.
We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.
2 Corinthians 10:12
Our lives, abilities, wealth and opportunities are ultimately given to us by the Creator. We should be using each one of them to glorify Him and further His Kingdom. God is the Lord of our business.
How does your business reflect God’s Kingdom? Let me know some of the practical things you are doing to create a faith-based business!
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