Taxes & Your Heart

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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

Taxes & Your Heart

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
John 18:36

Taxes are in the air… And usually they seem to loom over our shoulders like the grim reaper… “Do I have to do them?” 
“I owe how much??” 
“Why can’t the government just do this for us?”
“I better be getting back a TON of money!”
“I’m going to be able to finally pay for that kitchen renovation with my refund!”  

But as you get ready to file your taxes, I want you to think about what Jesus meant when he responded to the Pharisees, in Matthew chapter 22, who were trying to trick him into saying something that would go against his previous teachings or against the government. 

You may know that Jesus says to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s”, but what you may have forgotten about is the second part of Jesus’ quote. He follows up with “and to God what is God’s.” 

[Jesus] said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
Matthew 22:21

When Jesus said this, He was drawing a sharp distinction between two kingdoms. There is a kingdom of this world, and Caesar (the government) holds power over it. But there is another kingdom, not of this world, and Jesus is King of that. 

We as Christians are a part of both Kingdoms (for the time being). One is a kingdom that will not last yet we are partaking in it for a while. It is full of obligations to our governments, work, and families. We need to take care of these responsibilities while we are here in the world. 

At the same time, you belong to another kingdom. One that will last forever. One that is not bound by the same rules that we abide by here on earth. 

The coins in your pocket, and the bills in your wallet are stamped with images of whom the money belongs. Your money is a tool that allows you to partake in the world. It is good to think about your money critically and plan out how you will use it in order to take care of those responsibilities you have while living in this world. 

Yes, you should absolutely pray over your finances, and seek out how God would want you to use your money, but Jesus’ warning is clear – do not become a slave to it. For it belongs here in the world. Give to Cesar what is Caesar’s. 

You on the other hand, and your heart, are stamped with the image of God. This means that you do not belong in the kingdom of the world. Sure, you live here for now, but you belong to a Kingdom that far surpasses that which your money can buy here on earth. You belong to the Kingdom of God and therefore you must give to God what is God’s. 

Let go of your money – give it back to the world. Secure your heart – and give it back to God. 

Your Friend
Katie Jones

Reflection Questions

  • How has relying on money for your security kept you from fully giving your heart over to God? 
  • Think about what you do with your money day to day – are you using it wisely while here in this worldly kingdom – holding it loosely? Or are you hoarding it in a way that resembles a distrust in God?

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