How to Experience True Freedom In Your Finances – Simple Money, Rich Life Book Review
Simple Money, Rich Life is a breath of fresh air in the world of money books. In the book, Bob shares a 4-part formula to tackling your personal finances. It is based on timeless biblical principles and is extremely approachable for anyone wanting to design a life of eternal impact no matter where you are at in your financial journey!
Read my Simple Money, Rich Life book review and check out my interview with the author, Bob Lotich!

Simple Money, Rich Life Book Review
I was super blessed to get an early copy of Bob Lotich’s new book, Simple Money, Rich Life. I have read a lot of books about faith and money and this one was by far one of my favorites!
There are several things that I really really loved about this book…
1) I LOVE the subtle focus throughout the book on giving rather than just accumulating and growing our net worth (or assets under management – which is one of my favorite takeaways from the book)
2) I personally really enjoyed how there was a checklist and some space to think and write down ideas at the end of each chapter! This turned the book from being a lot of great ideas to being an amazing tool to be utilized in the personal finance journey.
3) I love love love the approach that Bob shared on how to earn all you can. I actually took your True Financial Freedom-class and that week about earning all you can was my absolute favorite because it was such a different approach to the question “How do I earn more?”
This book is very approachable to those who are just getting started with personal finance, but it is also a great resource for those further along in their money management journey. Bob and Linda share their truly inspiring story of how they invited God into their finances and how He led them down a path to experiencing true financial freedom!
Watch My Interview with Bob Lotich
Join me and Bob Lotich as we chat about his new book (that he wrote with his lovely wife, Linda!), Simple Money, Rich Life.
Learn more about how they came up with this 4-part formula to financial freedom and how you can experience true freedom in your finances as well.
Who is Simple Money, Rich Life Written For?
This book is written for all Christians.
Whether you are just getting started on your own money management journey, you are seriously struggling with your money, or you are far along your path, this book will have something for you.
Bob and Linda share their extremely inspirational journey of how God led them out of thousands of dollars worth of debt and into a place financially where they are able to give their age as a percentage of their income!
Why I Recommend This Book
One thing that I am extremely passionate about is helping people apply more of their faith into their money management. The financial testimony that Bob and Linda have has inspired even me to take my giving up a notch and to really surrender my wealth over to God.
Through this book, Bob challenged me to start tracking my giving more closely. Not to prove that I am an amazingly generous person, but rather so that I could take the focus off of how much I’m accumulating in wealth and shift that focus to becoming a more generous person in general.
Because of this – I have already given away a lot more than I would have previously. I’ve been more attentive to needs and opportunities to give.
Let me know if you end up grabbing a copy of the book for yourself! I would love to hear your own takeaways from it.
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