Our World is Incredibly Broken by Sin

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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

Our World is Incredibly Broken By Sin

Series: 4 Gospel Foundations to Experiencing Financial Freedom
Devotional: 2 of 4

Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin,
and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned
Romans 5:12

Everyday, we are seduced into believing that our money can do for us what only God can do. We believe the lies like…

  • Once I pay off all my debt I’ll experience freedom
  • If I only had a higher paying job then I won’t feel stressed about my bills
  • I just need a bigger car, a nicer house, cooler clothes…. And then I will feel worthy
  • I’ll be more secure if I have $100,000 in savings

I’m here to tell you from personal experience with some of these lies, that they are exactly that.. LIES. The reality is that our world suffers under a veil that blinds us from understanding where true happiness, fulfilment, security, and worth come from.

“We will fail to properly understand money and the money problems that ensnare us if we ignore or minimize the fact that we live in a world so broken by sin that it does not function in any dimension in the way that God originally intended.“
Paul David Tripp

Sin is what truly keeps us from experiencing the life giving freedom that is possible when we begin to relinquish control over how we spend our money to the way God intended – for His glory. 

Now that you can see that our money problems are rooted inside of our very own, inescapable sinful nature, you may be wondering, “is there any hope of transforming our finances and experiencing freedom?” While it is true that the status of our fallen world is something that we will never fully break free from here in this world, there IS still hope. 

Be on the lookout next Thursday for the 3rd foundation in which we start to understand how we still have hope to hold on to as we transform our finances. 

Reflection Questions

  • Has the deceptive veil of sin skewed your view of money and led you down a path of poor financial habits? 
  • How does exposing sin as the root of all your money problems help to lead you in the direction of breaking free from the temptation to misuse money? 

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