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Hygge | How The Danish Art of “Cozy” Aligns with Financial Independence
What is Hygge?
You’re probably trying very hard to figure out how to pronounce this strange-looking word. Hygge is a Danish word pronounced hoo-ga. When Googled, the definition for hygge says that it is “a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being.”
However, hygge is much more than just being cozy. Hygge is a way of life.
Did you know that Danes are the happiest people in Europe according to the European Social Survey and Denmark often ranks in the top 5 happiest countries in the world? Why is that?
Well, many Danes believe that it is because of hygge. The Danes attempt to live slower-paced lives, they look for ways to minimize their distractions, and they make it a priority to spend quality time with others.
What is Financial Independence?
If you are new to the concept of Financial Independence check out this article on the top 3 ways to define financial independence.
Basically, once you have reached the point of not needing to trade your time for money you have reached financial independence. But once you have acquired your independence, you aren’t just sitting around doing nothing with your time.
Financial independence is about building a lifestyle around being able to say yes to the things you want to be doing when you want to do them.
Recommended Articles to Read on Financial Independence:
What is Financial Independence
Starting the Journey Towards Financial Independence
Can You Pursue Both Faith and Financial Independence?

Characteristics of Hygge That Align With Financial Independence
After reading The Little Book of Hygge, written by Meik Wiking, I found that there were a lot of similarities between the two lifestyles.
Attempting to Spend Less Money
Hygge is about enjoying the simple things in life. Instead of paying for expensive forms of entertainment, hygge seeks to take advantage of the things we already have. No need to go over the top to have a fun evening, why not just invite a few friends over for a potluck.
Financial independence seeks to do the same thing. In order to increase our savings rates, we try to spend less money. Because we are trying to spend less, we must look within our own homes to the things we already own in order to find entertainment. Both lifestyles agree that money is not necessary in order to have a good time.
Whether it is saving money by buying used items instead of new, riding your bike instead of taking the car, or having a potluck instead of eating out.
Related: 7 Things You Should Stop Paying For
A Focus on Relationships
In The Little Book of Hygge, Wiking says that hygge is best experienced with others. There is nothing like spending a relaxing evening together with those whom you feel the most comfortable with.
When pursuing financial independence, the first step in the journey is to determine your “why.” Why do you want to reach a place of financial freedom? For many, their “why” is to be able to spend more time with those they love!
My husband and I are pursuing financial independence so we can have the option to quit our jobs and stay home with our children. We also want the opportunity to travel with our family as much as possible. As well as having the freedom to spend more time with our family without worrying about our finances.
Being Mindful
Hygge is all about slowing down and taking time to relax. It is about savoring the moment and enjoying the simple pleasures in life. Those pursuing hygge are mindful of the decisions they make. Does it promote gratitude?
Financial independence is also a mindful way of life. Pursuing financial independence requires you to question your spending. Asking questions like, “Does this purchase align with my values, or does it help me achieve the lifestyle I desire?”
Being Casual
In the pursuit of spending less money, both ways of life choose a more casual attitude. No need for fancy clothes or luxury items. These things don’t bring happiness in the end anyway. Those pursuing financial independence tend to choose to be casual because it costs less.
Those pursuing hygge tend to choose to be more casual because it is comfier. Hygge is about being cozy and relaxed. No person ever has felt relaxed while in a business suit.
Feeling Safe, Secure, and Unstressed
In order to achieve hygge, one must feel safe, secure, and unstressed by life’s demands. Moments of hygge come when work is put away and forgotten about, and when you feel the most secure. There is no sense of cozy when your cell phone is constantly pinging with notifications.
Financial independence is also a pursuit to feel a sense of security when it comes to our finances. Once you no longer need to work for money, either because you have assets making money for you or you have enough saved up, there is a sense of security.
Hygge and Financial Independence Take Time
Hygge is possible only if it stands in opposition to something which is not hygge. There must be anti-hygge for hygge to be valuable. I like the way that Meik puts it in terms of Christmas, since Christmas is a peak time for hygge.
All the money, stress, work, and time being sacrificed in the preparations for Christmas leads up to hygge as a climax. The preparation and set up for Christmas is often stressful and not very hygge. This may seem a bit odd but it actually makes sense. Hygge is only possible if it stands in opposition to something that is not hygge – stress, money, and high expectations.
Related: How to Plan a Debt Free Christmas with a Christmas Budget
Financial independence takes a lot of hard work, a little bit of stress, and a lot of saying no to certain things in order to say yes to more later, or specifically to say yes to the things that bring more lasting joy Though the journey towards financial independence helps us create good habits that we will most likely carry over into our new financially independent lives.
Hygge is not possible with time and preparation to get into this space of relaxation from the world. Financial independence is also not possible without years of money preparation, hard work, and intentionality. So just as hygge is postponed in order to be accomplished, so too is the freedom that comes with financial Independence postponed in order to be accomplished.
Recommended Books for Further Reading
Check out these book to learn more about Hygge and Financial Independence.
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