How to Pray for Your Finances
Money can be uncomfortable to talk about with other believers and may be difficult to talk about with God as well. Sometimes, we can feel afraid to ask God to bless our finances because it feels like we are giving in and letting our love of money take the wheel.
God wants us to be open with him and come to him with all of our needs, desires, and dreams. We should never feel afraid to ask God for anything, even if we feel it may be pushing the envelope a little.
But is it okay to ask for financial prosperity?
Are there specific times you should pray for your finances?
Is it a sin to as God for money?
Are there rules on how to pray for your finances?
And how does God respond when you pray for your finances?
In this article, I will examine these questions and you will learn exactly how to pray for your finances.

Here’s the big list of money topics in the Bible, and here is a list of over 100 Bible verses about money.
When Should You Pray For Your Finances?
There are many instances where you may feel the urge to pray for your finances. Some of those instances may be when…
- You feel like you are deciding between paying tithes or groceries
- You lose your job and don’t know if you’ll have enough to pay the mortgage
- You are drowning in student loan debt
- You can’t seem to get ahead and put money towards your future plans
Our prayers over our finances should not stop there! Even though it seems obvious to pray over your finances when times are tough, I have found my relationship with Christ grows when I praise him during times of abundance. You should give thanks to God when…
- You there is clearly enough to cover your monthly expenses without a sweat
- You get a raise and you can finally go on that long overdue family vacation
- You make the last payment on your credit card debt
- You sleep well at night because there is no more financial stress
The point I’m trying to make is that you shouldn’t just be praying over your finances when you are feeling stressed out. But you should also praise God when there is enough and when you are able to build wealth for your family.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.
(James 5:13)
Related: 5 Helpful Things About Tithing You Probably Didn’t Know
Is Asking God for Money a Sin?

God wants us to come to him as we are, and share our deepest desires with him. We should feel comfortable going to God with our desires.
Here are some Bible verses that help us to understand that we can go to God with all of our prayers.
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
(1 John 5:14)
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
(Ephesians 6:18)
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
(Matthew 7:11)
It is NOT a sin to pray for God to provide money. It is never a sin to ask for anything from God.
However, know that God will be searching your heart as you pray for your finances. He will see your true motives and if they are not pure, he may not give you exactly what you are asking for. God wants to bless us. However, he will bless us on his own terms and not our own.
Related: 7 Lies Christians Believe About Money
Praying Bold Financial Prayers
I honestly do encourage believers to pray very bold prayers for their finances. Why? Because our God is good, and desires the best for us. And because God can do anything! Sometimes we just need to believe that he truly can provide financial miracles.
God may just respond with an abundance of blessings. He may not help us to win the lottery or get a huge bonus from work, but when we posture our hearts to receive God’s blessings we might experience them in ways we didn’t originally imagine.
For example, God has helped me to be more content in our current financial situation. I have prayed for financial blessings in the past, but what God did for me was help me view my finances in a totally different light. Rather than desiring more money just to have money, I have desire to use my money in a way that shines light on the one who has provided me with it in the first place.
A Warning For When You Pray for Your Finances
Before you pray for more money, ask yourself WHY are you asking for more money? If it is because you want to be able to purchase more possessions, gain a higher status, or simply feel more secure, these things will never leave you feeling fulfilled.
We learn in 1 Timothy 10 that the love of money is a root for all kinds of evil. Paul tells us that those who want to get rich fall into temptation which will only lead to ruin and destruction. He is warning us that if we focus solely on becoming rich we will eventually wander away from our faith.
Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
(1 Timothy 6:9-10)
If you are only looking to pray over your finances so that God may provide you with abundance, keep in mind what Paul warns about. God will search our hearts and find the true desires behind our prayers.
In Matthew 6:24 we read that we cannot serve both God and money. So when we try to get around this by lifting up our finances to God, he will ultimately know why we are asking for money.
No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
(Matthew 6:24)
Sometimes we just don’t get what we pray for, and we may not know the exact reasons why.
Our Money Is Not Our Own
Throughout the Bible, we learn that everything on this earth belongs to God. This includes the money that we have in our bank account, all of our investments, and our possessions. It technically all belongs to God.
This truth should change the way that we view our money and how we handle our finances. First of all, we are called to give 10% of our income back to God, but not only that we should be managing the other 90% in a way that will honor him as well.
One thing I would encourage you to pray for is guidance on how to spend that 90%. Even though you gave 10% back to the church, the other 90% is ultimately still God’s and we need to be wise about how to spend that money.
Related: Over 100 Bible Verses About Money
Example Prayer For Your Finances
God, I understand that the money I earn ultimately comes from you alone and I am so thankful for what you provide me with. You are the great provider and I trust that you will always provide for me even when I feel like finances might be tight. Because this money truly belongs to you, I need your help guiding me in how to spend it that is honoring to you. Lord, I desire to create a spending plan that is worshipful to you and points others back to the one who provided everything to me.
I specifically ask you to teach and reveal to me when to say no to things and when it is good to say yes to other things. I will honor you by tithing faithfully, and by supporting those who you tell me to support. And as I continue to learn more about your principles on money, give me the enthusiasm and motivation to apply them to my own finances.
In this moment, I ask for financial provisions, Lord. Times are tough and I feel the stress and burden to provide for my family, and yet I am afraid I won’t be able to. You work miracles in so many ways and I believe that you will work a miracle for me and my family as we seek for ways to pay the rent and buy groceries. No matter what may happen these next few months, I will continue to put my trust in you for all of our needs. Thank you for the free gift of eternal life, and the security that comes from you alone.
How Does God Respond to Financial Prayers?
God can work in many many ways. There is no limit to the ways that God can respond to our prayers.
When it comes to prayers for your finances, God can either say yes, no, or lead you in another direction.
If God says yes to your financial prayers, he could provide for you through a pay raise, a new job, a check coming from your neighbor, a meal provided by your coworker, being approved for a mortgage to buy a house, a stranger paying for you meal in the drive-thru lane, or a thank you gift card from a friend at church. This list is not exhaustive, they are simply examples of ways that I have heard God showing up in times of financial stress.

Reasons God May Not Answer Your Financial Prayers As You’d Like Him To
Sometimes God doesn’t respond the way we want when it comes to our our financial prayers.
When God says no or leads you in a different direction there is always a very good reason why. He may be protecting you from something, deepening your trust in him, saying no because the prayer doesn’t ultimately glorify Him, or simply making you wait for something better to come.
God always has his reasons, it is not up to us to determine what they are, but simply to trust him throughout the process.
Invite God into your finances today. Start asking yourself how you can bring more honor to him through your money decisions. You may be pleasantly surprised at how things turn around when God is in control.
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