How To Determine Your Value

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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

How To Determine Your Value

Series: Your True Value
Devotional: 1 of 3

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Matthew 6:26 (NIV)

In the personal finance world, it seems as though everything revolves around this one number…. The message that comes across through books, podcasts, blogs, and videos is that this number will truly tell you how well you are doing in life… That number is your net worth.

While I do believe that Christians should be tracking their wealth, you and I both need to be very careful about how much weight we put into that number to tell us how valuable we are. Even though it is an important number to track, it absolutely doesn’t tell you anything about how much you are valued. 

But how do you actually determine how valuable you are? As a real estate agent myself, there is one main factor that goes into determining the true value of a house… How much someone is willing to pay for it. 

Someone could have remodeled a house to make it look Pinterest worthy, with all sorts of upgrades. But if no one is willing to buy that house, no matter how beautiful it looks, then it is practically worthless. 

You can determine your value this way…  What is someone willing to pay for you? 

“You have been bought and paid for by Christ, so you belong to him — be free now from all these earthly prides and fears” 1 Corinthians 7:23 (TLB).

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 (NIV)

You, my friend, are priceless, because someone has paid the ultimate price for YOU. And you didn’t have to go through a major remodel to increase your value like many homes need to. God saw you just the way you are – foundation cracks, leaky roof, located on a busy road – and said you are worth EVERY penny. 

Your net worth may tell you how valuable you are in the eyes of this world, but that is not where true worth comes from.

Your Friend,
Katie Jones

Reflection Questions

  • When do you most struggle to see yourself as valuable to God?
  • How does knowing your value to God help take away your pride and fear?
  • How can you help other people see that they are immensely valuable to God

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