God’s Provision Requires Your Faith

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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

God’s Provision Requires Your Faith

Series: 4 Important Lessons on God’s Provision
Devotional: 2 of 4

And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.
Matthew 21:22

Something that I have become increasingly more aware of is not simply the promise of God’s provision, but what God requires of us before he provides; and that is our faith. It is not merely enough to ask God to provide for our daily needs, but we must trust him and his goodness to follow through on his promise. 

God deeply desires for us to trust him even when the circumstances seem less favorable. We are taught in Proverbs 3:5-6 to trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understandings, but to acknowledge Him and when we do, He will make our paths straight. God is testing to see if we will trust him even before he provides, even before we know what will happen in the end. 

It takes a bit of risk on our ends to trust God, but the risk we take is far less than the risk that God took for us sending Jesus to save us from ourselves. Because it is God’s character, and his promise, that when we have faith he will provide! 

You may be looking over your budget and wondering how you will be able to pay for your living expenses this month. I’ve been there… But it is in those moments where our true faith is tested. The enemy is hoping that you will doubt the goodness of your Father and will turn to your own hustle and work to gain provisions. 

While we certainly don’t want to do nothing, one action that has proven over centuries to work in times like these is prayer. Take a few minutes today to give you situation up to God and allow him to work it out for you. 

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

Katie Jones

Reflection Questions

  • Can you recall a situation where you chose not to trust God and instead take things into your own hands? What resulted from those actions?  
  • In what ways do you need to let go of your own practical understanding of a situation and let your faith carry you? 

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