Free Budget Class For Believers

Why Budgets Fail...

The 4 Budget Mistakes Most Believers Make and How to Avoid Them to Become an Excellent Steward of Money

Hi, I'm Katie Fiola Jones

After never feeling like I had any money left over to do the things God had called me to do (can you relate?) I finally learned how to confidently manage my money in a way that acknowledges and glorifies Him and have taught the process to hundreds of other believers. I am inviting you to join me in a free training that will teach you how to do it as well!

In this class you will learn...

Powerful am thinking about the state of my heart towards money.
Taz C.
Thank you for your passion, and your obedience to God which has led you to hold this webinar. Thank you for your focus on God. During the webinar, as you spoke, something hit me that: something is slightly different about you. Thank you once again for your healthy mindset and your passion to help us as Christians develop a godly mindset, especially towards money.
Emmanuel O.
Lagos Nigeria
I must say that I enjoy your Financial Coaching videos more than all the others I’ve subscribed to. You youthful joy and excitement regarding the importance to living the abundant life Jesus speaks of is so inspirational to me. I enjoy your videos because I can see and hear the joy of the Lord in what you say and in your face. And, you are more focused on stewardship than the love of money as I’ve seen by so called Financial Coaches.
Chet N.
Brandon, Mississippi
Thanks for the webinar last night, Katie. You do have the talent as a Christian money coach. May God bless your work and ministry!
Vancouver, Canada

Interested in having Katie host a private, live webinar for your church, small group, or Christian community? Please fill out this contact form and we will get back to you within 3 business days about your inquiry.Â