Financial Dependence

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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

Financial Dependence

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” 
(Ephesians 3:20-21)

I found myself laying on the couch overwhelmed by the stress and frustration of trying to make our money stretch through the rest of the month and it was barely even halfway through… Why couldn’t this be easier? Why did I have to make so many mistakes with our budget? Why couldn’t I just make more money? That would fix the whole situation. 

Then one thought occurred to me… God is allowing me to struggle through this very stressful situation and he hasn’t done anything to step in and help me. Where was he?

The truth is that God wasn’t helping me with my finances because He loves me too much. 

God knows that I need to experience my own weakness so that I would go to Him and ask for help. He knew that allowing me to struggle would wake me up to the reality that I need Him. 

He’s not trying to punish you when you go through financial trials. 
He’s not doing it because he forgot about you. 
And he is not doing it because your problems are too small for him. 

Quite the contrary! 

God wants us to recognize our dependence.  

We think we know more than we do and have more abilities than we have. We want to believe that we don’t need the wise words and able arms of our Father.

We were not created for independent living. Even in a perfect Eden, Adam and Eve were dependent on God. Sin leaves us desperately broken and in need of our Father. 

Paul David Tripp says it well, 

“God will “walk away” and let us experience our weakness once again to remind us of who we are, what we need, and what he’s provided for us. Of course, he’s never actually disappeared or abandoned us, but he will allow us to feel on our own so that we will seek and celebrate the strength and wisdom that can only ever be found in him.”

We must recognize our own weakness in order for God to work through us. It is through Him that we are able to do much more than we have the actual skills or capabilities to accomplish. 

He wants to help you. You just need to ask him! 

Your Friend,

Reflection Questions

  • What have you attempted recently that you had no ability to do on your own?
  • Have you humbly asked for that power and wisdom once again today? Or are you celebrating the misunderstanding of your independence?
  • Look back on past accomplishments. In what ways are you not able to take 100% of the credit? Are you taking credit for what only God could produce?

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