Faith and Finances

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Have you ever thought about the connection between your faith and finances? Money is obviously very important to God because it is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible! “In fact, there are more than 2,300 verses on money, wealth and possessions. Jesus spoke about money roughly 15% of his preaching and 11 out of 39 parables. It was his most talked about topic.” – Wealth With a Purpose 

I’ve been searching for other Christians out there who are discussing faith and finances to find out what they are saying about this important topic. I have come across a lot of great blogs and really great content and I had to share some of my findings. 

Inspiring Stories about Faith and Finances told by other Christians.

12 Biblical Principles for Mastering Christian Finance

Women of Noble Character

Though Susan mainly writes for Christian women, this article can be applied to all of us. She gives 12 tips on how to have a Biblical perspective of our finances. Each one of her tips is couples with Bible verses that help support that tip. 

One of my favorite tips that she shares is to be content with what you have. Especially in our world today where everyone can show off their possessions on social media. It is easy for us to become jealous. Susan reminds us that God calls us to be content with what we have. 

Related: Things You Never Realized About the Proverbs 31 Woman

How God Changed My Finances

Kaleigha Jae

Kaleigha Jae is a yogi and faith writer. In this article, she shared with us how God not only changed her finances but changed her whole perspective on finances. She starts out by admitting her faults of not having a Biblical perspective on money, and just not handling money well. 

However, through her commitment to the Lord, she took the time to learn what the Bible has to say about money. As she learned more about faith and finances, Kaleigha Jae recognized that God valued good money management. 

What Does the Bible Say About Debt


Bob has been writing about Christian finances for years! In this article, he discusses what the Bible has to say about debt and what it doesn’t say about debt. 

I love how he clarifies that debt is not a sin. Though God does want us to be free of our bondage. We have the free will to spend as we wish, but we should be wise about how we are spending. 

“As Christians we have the opportunity to use our finances to build God’s Kingdom. Every decision we make with our money may be much larger than we realize.”

Related: Bible Verses About Debt

The Immaculate Integration of Faith and Finance

The Institute of Faith, Work, and Economics

This article by Alexander Lowry is very fascinating to me. He discusses how professionals working in finance have great pressure on them to compromise their integrity. As Christians, we are clearly called to high standards, even when it comes to our finances, and especially those who are handling other peoples’ money. 

In order for us to stand true to our values, we need to be anchored to God’s word. When we are not anchored down, we can easily drift away without noticing. When we are handling our finances, we need to do so with the values that come from the Bible. 

Related: Books On Faith and Work That Every Christian Should Read

Praying for Debt Cancelation

Our Kingdom Culture

I enjoyed reading Carolina’s article on praying for debt cancelation. It was a concept that I really hadn’t thought about myself. However, I do think that it is an important topic. God is powerful and can do anything, we just need to ask. 

Though God’s answer may not be to cancel out all your financial debts, he will respond. I especially like Carolina’s list of confessions for a debt-free life. We need to focus on God and not be troubled by our debts. 

Related: How to Pray for Your Finances

What It Means To Be A Good Steward Of God’s Money

Ambitions for Christ

Amber has written a really great article on being a good steward of God’s money. I really enjoyed how she dives into good money principles that are agreed upon universally (not just by Christians). Then she dives into money principles that are taught in the Bible.

It really gives a well-rounded view of how to steward our money well. She reminds us again that our possessions, including our money, are not our own. We need to manage our money well in order to glorify God with it. It is a great article on faith and finances. 

“In God’s heavenly economy, He is that owner. He created this world. Everything in this world is His. Yet He gives it to us to manage for Him.”

Related: 6 Practical Ways to Honor God With Your Money

When You’re Waiting for Financial Breakthrough

One Lost Coin

“God loves me too much to give me only what my imagination can hold. He has much better plans than that.”

Waiting for a financial breakthrough to happen in your life can be stressful. Especially when it seems like all the bills are piling up and you just can’t seem to get on the winning side of your budget. This is just like Jessie’s story in an article she wrote. 

Jessie explains how she misunderstood Proverbs 3:9-10, and thought that if she started tithing she would then be filled with abundance. But that didn’t turn out to be the case. She was in financial distress. Though through this process, she learned that what we think we need may not actually be what we need. 

Know of a great article about Faith and Finances? Share in the comments below!

I am always on the hunt for other articles about faith and finances to feature in round-ups or in other blog articles. Feel free to share yours or someone else’s in the comments below! I will always read ones that are shared here.

Redeeming Your Finances Free Community

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