Do You See Your Finances As a Lost Cause?

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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

Do You See Your Finances As a Lost Cause?

A house hits the market listed as a “fixer-upper”. One buyer goes to check it out and see it as it is: The rotted siding, The outdated kitchen, the broken windows, the missing shingles on the roof, and the leaky pipes in the basement. He is overwhelmed by all the work that it would take in order to restore it. He is disappointed and drives away.

Too much work. Not enough hope.

Later, another buyer comes by and sees the house for all of its potentials. He sees kids playing in the large backyard, guests hanging out on the wraparound porch, and hosting wonderful meals in the dining room.

Do both buyers see the same house? Yes.
Same amount of work needed? Yes

But only one has the hope and the courage to do the work that is needed in order to make a new reality.

As you look at the house that is your life, what do you see?

Do you see problems and get overwhelmed? Do you give up and walk away? Do you get defensive when your money problems come up in conversation? Do you pretend that they don’t exist? Do you know what work needs to be done, but don’t have the courage to make it happen? Do you speak about God‘s provision in public but give way to financial panic in private?

What you see when you look at yourself will condition your hope and change your actions. If you look at yourself as too much work, a lost cause, then that is how you will act.

But when Christ takes a look at you, leaky pipe, broken windows and all, he sees the beauty that lies beyond the needed work!

Start looking at yourself through the eyes of Christ and be filled with the hope and courage to take action to make the changes necessary in life and finances.

The process of change in the house that is your life is going to happen. It will either continue to deteriorate if ignored or you can begin the process of revitalizing and restoring has broken.

Are you ready to renovate your finances and learn to manage your money with excellence?
You are invited to join the next round of the Redeeming Your Finances Mentorship Program where you will be equipped with excellent money management skills that will help you to live abundantly, give generously, and radically advance the Kingdom of God!

Sign Up Officially Opens Today!

Make your summer count by joining the Redeeming Your Finances Mentorship this year

Reflection Questions:

  •  How does God invite you to look at your life in a brand new way? What does he want you to see? 
  • If work is needed (and, yes work will be needed for ALL of us!) what one step can you take today to get the renovation started?

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