Dealing With Financial Regrets

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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

Dealing With Financial Regrets

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Colossians 1:16-17

As you reflect on this past year and even the past several years consider the money choices you have made. Take some time to consider what, if any, regrets you have. 

Do any of these frustrations plague you?

  • Frustration that your parents never taught you about managing money
  • Forgotten because God never seems to answer your prayers for a financial breakthrough
  • Disappointment that you did not earn that raise, promotion, or bonuse this year
  • Confusion because you have been following the call to tithe and be generous yet never receive anything back yourself
  • Sadness knowing you earned too much money before being mature enough to steward it well

Each of these things can manifest as a form of regret. But even more than that, you may be wrestling with something much deeper – resting in the sovereignty of God’s timing.

God controls the timing of all situations, circumstances, and relationships. Even when it comes to our finances. However, His sovereignty does not overtake our choices, and our choices do not displace his sovereignty. God accomplishes his sovereign will through the choices that you make. 

We are called to believe, choose, follow, worship, love, and obey, while at the same time entrusting ourselves and our life to God’s sovereign care. 

“We can live responsibly and confidently, knowing that we are accountable for the choices we make while at the same time knowing that God controls the details of our life for our good and his glory. This balance is critical as you look back on your life with regret.”

  • Paul D. Tripp

I like the way that Kathy K. from FamilyFire recommends dealing with your regrets: 

“As you consider this past year and the choices you have made, take some time to consider what, if any, regrets you have. Allow yourself to get honest and list your regrets. Feel the feelings associated with the regret. Take each regret, like a stone, and place it before God, asking for his forgiveness for any part you have played. Tell God he can take this stone and use it if he would like, in any way he would like. Allow him to use your past for good. As you give him your regrets, ask him if he has anything for you in return. Write it down, and let that be your anchor as you move forward. Leave what is behind you in God’s hands, and press on to your future that is ahead”

Your Friend,

Reflection Questions

  • What do you wish you knew earlier in your life that you now know later with age? How would that have changed any decisions you made when you were younger?

  • What is something minor and silly you did with your money that you look back on with regret, but are not overwhelmed with guilt and shame? Why are you able to laugh at yourself?

  • What major and significant money decision do you look back on with regret, that overwhelms you with guilt and shame? Why the difference between the minor and the major?

  • How does knowing God is sovereign over the timing of your finances help you find peace in your current financial regrets and frustrations of the past year?

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