Characteristics of a Good Financial Steward

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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

Characteristics of a Good Financial Steward

Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
1 Corinthians 4:1-2

Being a good financial steward is something you and I should strive for as followers of Christ so today let’s discuss a few characteristics of a good financial steward. 

Good financial stewards are always seeking to please the Lord first and foremost. They are asking questions like how they can be a part of building the Kingdom of God rather than their own. One of the primary ways that you can be a good steward of your money is by being generous givers. Your generosity can be to your local church, which is God’s primary way in which he connects with the lost, it can be to other kingdom building ministries, or simply being generous with those around you. 

Good stewards are also very grateful for what they have on a regular basis. Generosity stems from being secure in your identity and knowing that, as a son or daughter of the King, you are always taken care of. Gratitude is accepting that God knows what is best for you and that is exactly what you already have. 

Another attribute of a good financial steward is to not trust your money more than you trust God. The love of money is a major issue for those who follow Christ because we are easily seduced into thinking that our bank account can give us security when in reality only God can do that for us. It’s not just rich people who struggle with the love of money. Even those without a lot can still fall prey and often do when they are feeling financial pressures. 

They also have the self-discipline to say no to ungodliness, just as we are taught from Titus 2. Ungodliness with your finances can be a matter of overspending or spending on things that aren’t glorifying to the Lord. Self-discipline with your finances can result from having a good household budget, paying off debt, as well as saving for your future. It is a good thing to have a plan and to think about your finances. Not in an obsessive way, but from a management perspective. 

Good financial stewards are also always going to God in prayer. Not necessarily to ask for a financial blessing, enough money, or for a financial breakthrough, but they are thanking our generous God for all that they have been given even when they might not have much. Because the blessing of the Lord is not an abundance of wealth, but an abundance of Him. The good news is that God is always ready and willing to pour more of himself into our lives. So pray over your finances and seek direction from your Provider!  

Your Friend.
Katie Jones

Reflection Questions

  • Which of the good financial stewardship characteristics do you embody the best? The least?
  • How has each of these characteristics shaped where your personal finances are today? What improvements can be made?

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