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The Money Taboo a weekly faith and finance devotional with Katie Jones

Book Giveaway!

The prayer challenge is in full swing and it has been really exciting to get to know each of the prayer warriors who have joined the challenge. God has already been moving within the hearts of some of our community members and it is so inspiring to see so many believers seeking to put Christ first in their finances! It’s not too late to join if you’re interested and we would be delighted to have you!

Book Giveaway

As we slowly (or maybe if feels very quick for you!) make our way into the summer season, I have been praying and reflecting over the last few months of The Money Taboo. 

My desire is for it to be a resource to help you to connect your faith into your finances as well as bring you some practical money tips, tool, and resources to help you on your journey to becoming and excellent money manager. 

I’d love to hear from you! 

Would you take a moment to let me know what you think about The Money Taboo devotional & newsletter? I’ve created a quick survey with a few questions to help me gauge how helpful it has been for you and your faith & finances journey.

By sharing your thoughts, you’ll be entered into a giveaway to receive a copy of Simple Money, Rich Life, by my good friend Bob Lotich! I recently had him on my YouTube channel for an author interview

Thanks so much 
Your Friend, Katie

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