4 Principles for a Biblical View of Money Management
The First Step Towards Excellent Money Management
(and it’s not a budget)
Okay, so you struggle with money… Maybe you have debt, you can’t seem to save money, you lay awake at night stressed about paying your electric bill, and the guilt you feel about your poor money management is keeping you from seeking help…
Friend, I get it. The pain of your money problems is REAL and guess what.. You are NOT alone.
The good news is that there is a solution. And that solution is not more education, a budget, or a new job (those things come later).
There are many important things to understand about money, and a personal budget can be helpful, but it cannot be your starting point…
That would be like teaching a little boy to throw a football without helping him understand the basic purpose, rules, and fundamentals of the game itself!
The truth is… You could have all kinds of money information and still be tragically overwhelmed with money problems! You could be a master budgeter and still not know the proper fundamentals of the game – the way that God intended it.
So if budgeting isn’t the first step… What is?

The First Step In Excellent Money Management
The first step in learning how to manage your money with excellence is to understand the purpose, rules, and fundamentals. It is to have a biblical view of money management and have a deep understanding of how to use our money the way that God originally intended it to be used.
The Bible has over 2,300 verses that talk about money, wealth, possessions, and finances.
Yet, so many of us as believers have no idea what God really has to say about money and why we should even care about how we manage our money in the first place.
I believe that God gives us so many lessons about money because millions of us are seduced into asking money to do for us what only God can do… like to buy us happiness, fame, success, fortune, freedom, friendships, or peace.
And if you, like myself, have tried to use money to buy yourself out of your problems, you have learned that it only seems to make the problems feel bigger and your situation more hopeless…
So what does that mean for us?
What does it mean to have a biblical view of money management?
This is a question that I have dedicated much of my time to learning and teaching other faith-filled individuals like yourself.
As I mentioned, the Bible has much to say about our finances so that is where we will go for our answers.

4 Principles for a Biblical View of Money Management
As with everything in our lives, the Gospel transforms the way we view our finances.
Here are four main foundations to having a biblical view and how to apply each principle to your money management.
1. God is at the center
Everything in the universe was created by God. As a believer – you already know this!
This means our money and even the ability to produce wealth was given to us by God. Nothing we have truly belongs to us, but rather, we are simply given talents and resources to manage.
The solution to any money problems begins not with making more money, or even starting a budget (even though the Bible has plenty to say about budgeting!). The solution begins with surrender. Surrendering to the fact that our money belongs to Christ, and we are in partnership with him as money managers.
2. Our world is broken by sin
Unfortunately, due to sin and our inherent broken nature, we are bound to use our money improperly and inevitably end up with money problems, stress, and anxiety.
It is inevitable that we will fail at our role as money managers. It is frustrating, and we are always searching for the right solution to our money problems.
However, we will continuously fail to understand money and our money problems if we ignore or minimize the fact that we live in a world so broken by sin that it does not function the way God originally intended it…
3. God offers life transforming grace
The good news is that there is a solution; and that solution isn’t just a new budget, money strategy, or investment (these things come later!). The Bible gives us a lot of hope for our times of financial struggle – and that is through Jesus!
The solution begins with the forgiving, rescuing, and transforming grace that is offered only by God. It takes daily surrender and renewed grace.
4. We were created by him for something bigger than ourselves
God’s grace opens the door to a whole new relationship with money for each of us, not because we are good and deserve it, but because God is that good, and he offers us grace that is that powerful.
What if the purpose of our money is not our own personal fulfillment? But rather to support the mission of Christ here on earth and to honor him through the way we use our wealth?
How would this change the way that you use and view your money?
How Does God View Money?
God placed us here on earth to be in a relationship with Him, and to bring glory and honor to Him alone. And while God does provide money as a blessing for our pure enjoyment, sin has skewed our minds to believe that money’s only purpose is for our personal fulfillment, pleasure, and comfort.
Good money management matters to God because God’s view of money is that it is a tool and a resource to be stewarded by us. You and I need to ask ourselves daily how God would want us to spend the money he has given us to manage.
This is why my mission has become to educate and equip faith-filled individuals, such as yourself, with a biblical view of money management.
There is no money problem too big and no situation that is too helpless for the redeeming power of God. It begins with a commitment to using your money according to God’s purpose and for his glory.
It is time to redeem your finances.
Ready to Level Up Your Money Management Skills?
Now you are equipped with the 4 principles for a biblical view of money management. Now what? Biblical money management does not stop with having the right lens to look through. Biblical money management takes ACTION!
It’s time to say goodbye to the way you were viewing and using your money and allow the redemptive power of Christ to transform your finances.
Take our FREE mini-course, 6 Steps to Redeeming Your Finances, today to learn more about the steps you need to take in order to leave your money troubles in the past and get on a path to true financial freedom. The kind of freedom in your finances that is ONLY possible through Jesus!
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