Christians Should Be the Best in Every Industry – A Call to Excellence
Could you imagine what it would look like if every Christian took seriously the call to excellence?
- How would that impact our industries?
- How would the view of modern Christians change?
- Would people begin to see the true goodness of God through our good works?
Our calling is always to share the good news with others. And we can do that by being excellent at whatever we do. We will look at 9 Bible verses about excellence in order to understand our calling to do exceptional work.
Our Faith Leads Us to do Good Works
Before we get started on this topic I wanted to give a little disclaimer first. I would like to remind everyone that as Christians, we do not need to work for our salvation. We gain salvation through faith in Christ alone. While we should have a spirit of excellence there is no need to prove ourselves in order to earn God’s love.
Our love and pursuit of Christ should draw us to do good works and to always strive to do our best. If we truly have the Holy Spirit at work in us, we will feel the urge to do good works and to continuously strive for excellence.
Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works.
(James 2:26)
Our faith in Jesus and our journey to become more Christ-like will lead us to do good works.
I like the way that Jordan Raynor puts it in his new book, Master of One.
“The idea of being described as a mediocre ‘master of none’ should make us as Christians sick to our stomachs. Why? Because mediocre work fails to accomplish the essence of the Christian life: to serve others and to glorify God.“
Jordan Raynor, Master of One
You should feel called to do the work of the Lord. Good works that are worthy of praise!
And not only that, but when you are working within the giftings and abilities that God has given you, you will already have an unfair advantage over everyone else. Because when you lean into those God-given skills and talents, the Holy Spirit will equip you with all you need to do excellent work!

How to Become a Master of One – Interview with Jordan Raynor
Books About Faith & Work that Every Christian Should Read
God Calls us to Excellence
Throughout the Bible, we are constantly being called to excellence. The pursuit of excellence is one of the business principles we should live by as we do our work. There are plenty of specific Bible verses about excellence, however, just the simple call to be image-bearers of God is a call to excellence in itself.
Why? Because God does nothing short of excellence himself. Therefore, we should always be striving to be excellent too.
Being excellent at what we do will point back to the one who gave us the ability to do our work. It takes a tremendous amount of self-discipline and hard work, but it will bring glory to God, as well as show those around us the love of Christ.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
1 Peter 2:9
Let’s take a closer look at what God’s word has to say about doing excellent work by examining these bible verses about excellence.
9 Bible Verses About Excellence
- 1 Corinthians 9:24-25
- 1 Corinthians 10:31
- Colossians 3:23
- Daniel 6:3
- Titus 2:7-8
- Titus 3:14
- Matthew 5:14-16
- Daniel 1:20
- Mark 7:36-37
Also Check Out: Over 100 Bible Verses About Money

9 Bible Verses about Excellence
1 Corinthians 9:24-25
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
This verse explicitly says that we should be running the race as if we are trying to get the prize. That means we should be training and working diligently in order to be the best we can be. It also states as a reminder that the prize we are competing for is one that will last forever.
Practically this can look like taking online courses, reading books, going back to school, or simply watching YouTube videos. Think about some skills that you could work on improving and start your training today.
1 Corinthians 10:31
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
This is one of my favorite verses because it gives an easy explanation that we should be doing everything for the glory of God. Not just in our respective ministries or jobs, but everything! That includes how we talk to people at the grocery store, how we handle our finances, treat our loved ones, as well as manage our time.
Is there something you are doing right now that you know you could be doing better? Write down a couple of ways that you could start doing them for the glory of God!
Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.
Colossians 3:23 and 1 Corinthians 10:31 go very well together. They are both saying similar things – work hard at everything you do in order to bring glory to God, and don’t do it to gain worldly recognition. This is a great verse to apply to a job that you may not love. Even though your current situation might not be great that doesn’t give you the right to slack off. We need to be working as if God were the owner of our business.
Daniel 6:3
Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.
The whole book of Daniel is a great example of how we as Christians need to be set apart from the norms of our society. Daniel was exceptional at what he did and others took notice of that. We should be following Daniel’s example and also strive to be the best in our own industries.
Titus 2:7-8
In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us
In the book of Titus it teaches us that we need to be an example for others by doing what is good. We can do this by having integrity and taking things seriously. If you implement these things into your life then those who try to oppose you will not have anything to condemn you on! It’s almost like that phrase “kill them with your kindness,” but rather it’s like “kill them with your integrity!”
Titus 3:14
Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.
Here is another great verse from Titus teaching us that we should devote ourselves to doing what is good in order to provide for the needs of others. Providing for the needs of others is a great example of how we can do excellent work. It is the perfect way to show the love of Christ to those you serve through your business because it is modeling how God provides for us. Be productive, but don’t like your productivity get the best of you.
Matthew 5:14-16
You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew teaches us that as Christians we need to be set apart from the rest of the world. Where the rest of the world is covered in darkness, we are to be a light. We are to live as a shining example for those around us.
Daniel 1:20
In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom.
Another reminder from the book of Daniel that if we are holding ourselves to Kingdom standards we will rise up among the leaders in our industries. We may have similar or equal skill sets as someone else, but when we employ Kingdom standards it gives us that leg up over our others. Just imagine where we might be today if every Christian was ten times better than the rest of the leaders in their industries. How would that affect society’s view of Christians and especially of God?
Mark 7:36-37
Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it. People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”
Jesus did everything well, he is the perfect model of good works. He took nothing lightly. Because of his seriousness in his work he had people talking constantly about him. If we were to do everything with the same kind of excellence as Jesus, we would likely have the same results. People will want to know why. And we would have the opportunity to credit our God!
How to Be Excellent In Your Work

Now that we’ve talked about the importance of excellence at work, how do we practically apply that to our jobs? It will end up looking different for everyone, but here are some general examples of how we can be excellent at work.
- Creating great products
- Providing amazing service
- Responding quickly to complaints
- Showing patience with frustrating clients or coworkers
- Handling finances honestly
- Offering forgiveness to coworkers
- Working diligently at all times
- Come to work with a can-do attitude
- Customer service goes the extra mile
Our Excellence Points Back to Our Creator
It is clear from these Bible verses about excellence that our exceptional work will point to and give glory to the one we serve. We want people to notice our work as exceptional.
When we are the best at our jobs people will wonder why? Being the best at what we do can give us a platform to share the love of Christ with others. Whether that is through our actions or our words. Either way, if we do everything well, it will get heads turning and people talking.
Our platform to share the love of Christ will expand with our ever-growing exceptional work.
Do you know of any other Bible verses about excellence?
Do you have a favorite bible verse about excellence?
Businesses Will Flourish with More Christian Leaders
After examining these 9 Bible verses about excellence, it is evident that if we have more Christian business leaders in the workplace then businesses will flourish.
If we are devoted to implementing Biblical business principles in our work, there is no doubt that businesses will exceed expectations.
Find out more about why business needs Christian leaders here.
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I love these verses! Christian definitely SHOULD be the best at their work and should lead by example. Thank you for this reminder!
My pleasure! I need the reminder often myself because I fall short all the time.
Great post, we aren’t perfect but He is and we are to imitate Him aren’t we? Too many people give up on the idea of perfection but should be the world’s not His.
Could you imagine the difference it would make if every Christian would continue to strive to be more like Christ in every area of life? I think things would look dramatically different in the world.
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Love this! Thank you for sharing!!
My pleasure! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Excellent article, opens our minds to the Spirit of excellence! Truly we are made in His image and Likeness, and Hence we should try to be excellent in all that we do. Wonderful insights! God bless.
Absolutely! We are filled with the redeeming power of Christ who equips us to do excellent work for the glory of God.
Hi Katie, Thank you for this! I actually thought it was a book…lol! I love your blog and thanks for spreading the good news further. You have no idea how much these verses have made my day better.
Beloved, am thankful these wrie up had changed every fiber of my being and the scriptures brought great illumination to me, and may the Good Lord bless you the more in Jesus Name Amen.
Samson Ogbuagu
Thank you for your kind words! God bless you.
All of us plays an important part in the body of Christ, but how do we portrays that part. God created us in His likeness, so we must become and strive to that perfection. Thank you so so much for your write up Katy. May the grace and wisdom of God continue shine forth through your write ups. God bless.
Hey Marshall, thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m so glad you found encouragement from this article. Pursuing excellence in everything we do is to the glory of God something I’m very passionate about. =]
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Hi Katie, I did not know this is a blog and I came across it when I was praying for myself and my work to be excellent, and looking up for scriptural guidance. I am greatly encouraged. May you continue writing more of such and may God continue using you.
Hey Sally! I’m so glad you stumbled upon this article and found it helpful to give you guidance with your work. I pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to work inside of you and guide you to become the best at whatever you are doing!
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Thank you for sharing this. I enjoyed reading and learning from this. God bless you
Thank you for this blog! I found it as I was thinking of what God says about excellence and you so perfectly put it all in once place! I’m sharing it with several of my coaching clients who are entrepreneurs.
Hi Sheri! I love how God works that way – bringing us just the right piece of content at the right time! I am delighted to hear that you found this helpful and am encouraged too to hear you will be sharing it with others!