5 Bible Based Tips To Achieve Your Goals

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5 Bible Based Tips to Achieve Your Goal

5 Bible Based Tips to Achieve Your Goals

I have plenty of goals and dreams in life. There is so much I want to do, and so many things I want to accomplish with my business. Sometimes it gets frustrating because I have set the bar so high that it seems too far away. I want to try to jump and reach that bar and achieve everything in just one stride, but I know that isn’t the way things work.  Life works in steps, not leaps.

If your goal is to be a parent, that doesn’t just happen in one day! You first need to find a spouse, get married, maybe find a suitable home for a family, make a baby, wait 9 more months and then have that baby! Overall, it can take years to become a parent.

A God of Steps

Something interesting I have been learning through my Bible readings lately is that God is the same way! He has been taking steps to accomplish his goals from the very beginning.

When God created the earth he didn’t do it all at once. He took multiple days to create his final product. I’m sure He took the time to think about what he wanted the end result to be and made a plan to reach that result. He started with the heavens and the earth and then becoming more detailed as he went on.

Similarly, when Moses was called to bring the Israelites from Egypt to the Promise Land he wasn’t going to do it the first time he confronted Pharaoh. It took him multiple attempts, and a lot of help from God to finally be able to accomplish the task.

So what do we need to do in order to focus more on the steps towards our goals?

Here are 5 Bible based tips that I came up with to help you achieve your goals.

Bible Based Tips to Achieve Your Goals

1. Set Your Goals

The first step you need to take in order to achieve your goals is to solidify them and write them down!

What is is that you want to accomplish?
Do you have that written down somewhere?

I would highly suggest you take the time to reflect on what it is you really want and write that down!

I find it very helpful to have all my goals, big and small, written down. Roughly once a week, I try to look over my goals to help me stay focused on them. They are written in both a physical journal and online on a Google Doc.

As I think of new things I write those down too. It is nice to have access to them at all times with the help of Google Docs. If I think of something while I am away from home, I can pull out my phone and write it down next to all my other goals. In Google Docs you can actually check little boxes next to a goal. That way, when you complete the goal you can check it off, which as many people like myself know, is incredibly satisfying!

2. Figure Out What You Can Do

The issue I always struggle with once I have set a goal is HOW to actually achieve it… If you get overwhelmed by your goals like I do, don’t let that discourage you from continuing to move forward.

Try to think backwards from that goal in order to figure out the steps in between where you are now and the desired endpoint. Maybe you are looking to purchase your first rental property, but you don’t know anything about making an offer on a house. Instead of giving up right there, ask yourself “What do I already know how to do?”

Let me give you an example.
When my husband and I made it our goal to purchase our first rental property by the end of 2018 we were both at a loss as to where to start! We discovered that there were plenty of steps in the middle that we didn’t even know how to tackle… Instead of giving up right there, we thought of some simple things we did know how to do.

We knew how to hold a conversation with someone so that’s what we did first! We made some phone calls and sent some emails. After a few phone calls with some realtors, we learned what we needed to do next and how to do it – and now we had people who were willing to help us along the way!

Maybe you are at a total loss for where to begin your journey – to this, I would recommend starting out with research. Pick up some books on the topic, or do some Googling. Hopefully, after that, you will have a good idea of what your next step should be.

3. Find A Partner

Two are better than one,
   because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down,
   one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
   and has no one to help them up.
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
   But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered,
   two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon explains to us that we are stronger together. This verse is most commonly used in the context of marriage, but I think it is very applicable to anything in life. We work better together.

Share your goals with someone. Once you tell someone your goals they can help you stay accountable to them. Ask a close friend, family member, or mentor to be your accountability partner. Make sure it is someone who can call you out if you start to lose sight of what you’re going after. Or find someone who is doing what you want to be doing – they can be a great help when it comes to figuring out your next steps.

I am very blessed to have a supportive and encouraging husband. He may allow me to make most of the decisions when it comes to investing, but I rarely make a decision without first explaining it to him. If he feels that something isn’t quite on course, he will let me know. Who can help you stay accountable to your goals?

4. Keep Learning and Stay Inspired

No matter what your goals may be, there is always something new to learn about them. I am continually looking for new books to read, blog posts to learn from, and even podcasts to listen to. It is extremely helpful to get new ideas from people or hear how they overcame a similar trial I may be in.

The main reason I continue to learn new things is that it continues to keep me inspired. If I am ever feeling like a failure, or that I am not capable of achieving my dreams, I go read blog posts on the success stories of others or turn on a podcast to find out how other people are achieving their goals. It helps to keep my passion burning!

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5. Give It To God

Whatever your goals may be, make sure to commit those to the Lord. Moses couldn’t have saved the Israelites without God’s help. God gave him the right things to say, the right tricks to do, and over all kept him encouraged the whole time. Moses faced a lot of defeat and never quite felt like he had what it took to accomplish such a huge task, but God continued to give him the next step to take.

Related: My Favorite Verses On Giving

In your own journey there may be bumps along the way, and it may not seem like an easy task in the midst of it all. But we were not promised a life of ease. If you are wanting to get into real estate investing, remember that your first investment will not be perfect. But that shouldn’t stop you from taking that first step so you can learn how to take the next one.

I encourage you to pray for God’s direction in setting and reaching your goals. If you trust in God, he will make your path straight (Colossians 3:23).


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